Title: Senior Director Enterprise Portal and Collaboration
Employer: MSD
Private and working environment
“I had the privilege to have Olaf available along my side during many years of my professional life and in many different functions where he made a big difference in being successful negotiating long and short term contracts, IT- and Scientific literature licenses, IT hardware and software agreements, Utility equipment on a Local level as well on the Enterprise level. Olaf was instrumental in making these contractual processes a success for the company and for me as a manager. He is very knowledgeable, creative and analytic thinker, without losing sight of putting in place very pragmatic and cost effective solutions. Olaf is a very pleasant person to work with, he keeps over-sight of the process end-to-end, is in control, acts pro-active, is result driven and understands how the play the strategic procurement role in front of third parties along with business representatives to receive agreement under beneficial conditions.”