Claire Giles
Title: Group Executive DirectorEmployers: Impellam Group Plc Working environment “Olaf drives delivery through identifying and recognising the skills of others, understanding individual motivations and encouraging best practice.” Private “Olaf is a spirited and engaging leader; someone who understands how to successfully navigate political landscapes of complex organisations.”
Frank Mattijssen
Title: CFOEmployers: MSD Working environment “In his work he is result oriented and capable of communicating on all levels and getting his message accross.” Private “Olaf is a sincere open person with a high degree of credibility by a broad group of people.”
Frank Mattijssen
Title: CFOEmployers: MSD Working environment “In his work he is result oriented and capable of communicating on all levels and getting his message accross.” Private “Olaf is a sincere open person with a high degree of credibility by a broad group of people.”
Alain Dehaze
Title: CEOEmployers: Adecco Group Working environment “As an innovator, Olaf has driven his company to be one of the very first users in Europe of the Managed Services Providing concept allowing major savings and recruitment efficiency increase.” Private “I have worked together with Olaf van der Linden in my quality of Regional Head of Northern Europe at […]
Michel Stokvis
Title: Director COE EMEAEmployers: Randstad Sourceright Working environment “Throughout the years, Olaf managed to exceed results, both from a cost savings perspective, but also from a client expectation perspective.” Private “I worked with Olaf for more than 6 years. During these Years Olaf was globally responsible for the contingent workforce program at Merck/MSD. I can characterize Olaf […]
Connie Walters
Title: Director Employers: Bristol-Myers Squibb Working environment “I’ve had the pleasure of working with Olaf for many years beginning in 2009 when we found ourselves on an integration team charged with bringing together the best of our two organizations. Olaf’s passion and professionalism impressed me from the very beginning. He graciously extended himself to everyone on the […]
Ranjit de Sousa
Title: Executive VP EMEA Employers: Lee Hecht Harrison Working environment “In my professional experience with Olaf, he has always taken a broad business, data-driven and outcome oriented perspective on any kind of discussion or negotiation. The other key element he’s brought into any discussion is a forward looking perspective – e.g. what innovations or trends do we […]
Dr. Jan Damm
Title: Managing DirectorEmployers: PharmSupport-Flexwerk Working environment “A valuable mixture of expertise, varying from GxP compliance to purchasing & business development. Olaf combines both worlds and ways of thinking in a refreshing manner.” Private “In search of an enthusiastic, driven and inspiring professional who thinks in solutions? Then Olaf is your man!”
Patrick De Maeseneire
Title: CEOEmployer: Jacobs Holding AG Private and working environment “I got to know Olaf while I was CEO between 2009 and 2015 of the Adecco group, the largest staffing group, with revenues of Euro 21 billion and 32’000 employees. Olaf was then in charge at Merck SD to introduce the Managed Services program, where the temporary workforce […]
Dr. Markus Wyss
Title: CEOEmployers: CAMAG, Schweiz Working environment “Olaf combines the ability to be interested in the person behind the matter, to understand and, thanks to his broad experience, get to the heart of complex interrelations; attributes that make him so valueable for consultancy.” Private “I got to know Olaf as an exceptional business partner with whom – businesswise […]